Congress Participation of Our First Year Students!!!
15 May 2022 | 00:15

Our first-year students Sena Uludağ and Gamze Nur Çetinkaya, within the scope of the EB-101 coded "Introduction to Education" course in our first-year curriculum and under the guidance of lecturer Assoc. Dr. Emine Önen prepared their first scientific studies.

Our students developed their studies within the scope of the course and presented their papers titled "The Processes of a Child Who Has Been identified to be Abused" at the International Child and Adolescent Trauma Congress held in İzmir Çeşme between 24-26 March 2022.

We would like to thank Lecturer Assoc. Dr. Emine Önen for her contributions to our students.

We congratulate our students and wish them continued success.

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