Academic Supervision

Contributing to the adaptation of all our students to university life and supporting their career development are among the most important priorities of our department. In this context, academic supervisor services are considered important in our department and various practices are carried out in order to ensure that students can be in contact with their supervisor throughout their education and training processes:

• The most important practice is the acquaintance and integration activities for new students, which have become a tradition in our department.
• In addition, in order to fully meet the needs of students, different academic supervisors are assigned to different branches at each grade level and the number of students per student has been reduced to increase the opportunity for academic supervisors to deal with students one-on-one.

• In our department, each academic supervisors cares about "Student Counseling Hours" and supports students to receive academic counseling services on the subjects they need during these hours.
• In our department, there are "whatsapp groups" at each grade level and students are offered the opportunity to quickly convey their needs, problems or questions through these groups.
• There is an "Opinions and Suggestions" section in the "Contact" menu on our department page, and through this section, it is possible for our students to send their needs and requests (with or without anonymity) to the e-mail address of our department.

Department Academic Supervisors List and Student Counseling Hours

2022-2023 Academic Year Autumn Semester

You can access the Academic Counseling Directive here.

1st Grade 1st Branch Students (Student numbers ending in odd numbers) 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kemal BAYTEMİR (Tuesday 15.30-17.30, Bosna Room 135) 

1st Grade 2nd Branch Students (Student numbers ending with an even number)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Leyla ERCAN (Monday 13.30-15.30, Bosna Room 224) 

2nd Grade 1st Branch Students (Student numbers ending in odd numbers)

Prof. Dr. Galip YÜKSEL (Monday 11.00-13.00, Bosna 135 Nolu Oda) 

2nd Grade 2nd Branch Students (Student numbers ending with an even number)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Zehni KOÇ (Monday 15.30-17.30, Bosna 224 Nolu Oda) 

3rd Grade 1st Branch Students (Student numbers ending in odd numbers)

Prof. Dr. Mehmet GÜVEN (Wednesday 15.30-17.30, Bosna Room 107) 

3rd Grade 2nd Branch Students (Student numbers ending with an even number)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Behire KUYUMCU (Wednesday 15.30-17.30, Bosna Room 223) 

4th Grade 1st Branch Students (Student numbers ending in odd numbers)

Prof. Dr. Şerife IŞIK (Wednesday 13.30-14.30, Bosna Room 106) 

4th Grade 2nd Branch Students (Student numbers ending with an even number)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Başak BEYDOĞAN TANGÖR (Thursday 13.30-15.30, Bosna Room 333)  


 Important Legislation, Regulations, Instructions, Procedures and Principles 

Dear Students,
You can find all the information about your rights and responsibilities that you should pay attention to during your education process here.
You can find more detailed information on the official page of Directorate of Student Affairs.  



 Student Guide 
Dear Students,
You can reach with this link.

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