2022-2023 Academic Year Spring Term Midterm Exam Schedule
14 April 2023 | 11:10

Dear students, the midterm exam program of our department has been published. We wish you luck. 2022-2023 BAHAR DÖNEMİ ARA SINAV PROGRAMI

Please pay attention to the following points.

1. Exams will be made through Gazi University Distance Education Application and Research Center Learning Management System (LMS).
2. The deadline for the courses for which there will be no simultaneous exams has been determined as the hours stated above, but this date is at the initiative of the instructor of the course and can be changed.
3. Courses subject to the old curriculum are not specified in the program. The lecturer of the course will make the definition through the LMS. Students taking these courses should contact the lecturer of the course.
4. Students who take the Sociology of Education course from a department other than the Guidance and Psychological Counseling department should contact the lecturer of the course.
You can find the exam schedule for common courses here.

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